Today’s Jobs/High-Speed Rail Rally

Thanks to the intentions of governor-elect Scott Walker, the federal government has taken the $810 million grant that was headed for WI and has redirected it to other states with stronger interest in developing high-speed rail projects.  There was a rally at the Milwaukee City Hall today, to show many citizens’ displeasure with Walker’s actions.  Here are some of the photos I made at this event. There were at least 5-6 different speakers from a variety of community-groups–Citizen Action of WI, Voices de la Frontera, MICAH and a few governement reps (including Mayor Tom Barrett).

Three things worth noting…

-I ran into noted commercial photographer and avid bicyclist Tom Fritz,

-I was peering over the shoulder of WISN 12’s Kent Wainscott (that’s him with the notepad), and

-I saw Alderman Michael Murphy (my alderman), on the second level, watching the proceedings (that’s him in the red circle).
