Movember: Yep, I’m participating.

I’ve not usually been up for “do this to raise awareness of some particular issue” efforts, but this year, I decided to join in on one of these efforts – Movember. “November” is an awareness-raising initiative on the topic of men’s health issue. As the goal of Movember partcipants is to “change the face of men’s health”, all participants grow a mustache.

You can see my fundraising efforts, and donate too, if you like, at MoBroFreund.

I’ll keep a growing slide-show here, showing my face’s progress. I’m also sharing info on men’s health (and health in general) that I think is worth sharing – look beneath the slideshow for that!

Enjoy, and enjoy the ‘stache,


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Troy’s Man Health Tips

  2. As you go about your day, BE CONSCIOUS of where you can make your body work harder, and do THAT. Skip the elevator, and take the stairs when you can. Park at the rear end of the store’s parking lot. Time to walk is time to think (this is good). Time to walk is time spent flexing muscles, stretching joints, and giving your body what it loves: ACTIVITY. The maxim “use it or lose it” is true when it comes to muscle mass and flexibility.
  3. DO YOGA OR TAI CHI REGULARLY. These exercises keep your muscles, joints, and connective tissues in great shape. It helps your brain too, giving you an “active meditation” of sorts. Chicks dig it. Remember – every choice you make NOW to be healthier, means those who care about you get to enjoy you MORE, because you’ll be improving your health and maintaining your QUALITY OF LIVING.
  4. Take an active part in staying healthy – eat right, exercise, kiss your sweetie, hug more people, get a physical, eat REAL food, get your prostate checked, meditate, go for a walk – all these things matter. Take care of yourself, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of every person who cares about you.
  5. CHOOSE AN ELECTIVE. Find something that you can be passionate about, that is NOT your work or relationship. Studies have shown that a key to happiness for many people is feeling they have a purpose. What is your purpose? What are you CHOOSING?
  6. DANCE MORE. If you need inspiration, look here. If you need proof, look here.  Here’s a couple good reasons to dance more: (like yoga) chicks dig it. Show me a gal who doesn’t like when her fellow dances with her and I will be gazing upon a LIAR; dancing is like exercise, but FUN; when you dance, your brain works differently and that’s GOOD. So, guys, DANCE.
  7. GET OVER YOURESELF. A lot of us carry a LOT of self-importance…try to worry less, laugh more (and a lot more at yourself).
  8. READ “What Healthy People Know” by Dr. Bob Gleeson and put it’s 7 ideas into practice as much as possible. If you don’t feel like reading the book, go read my blog post about it – I list the 7 tips there!
  9. BUY A PEDOMETER: a big help in getting healthy is accountability. Knowing how many steps I walk each day does a lot towards making me more driven to be more active. And again, activity is key to healthy living.
  10.  EAT MORE FRUIT. Bananas reduce dehydration, cramping, and fatigue. Blueberries help improve learning and retention. Cherries are a natural sleep aid, if you need that. Tomatoes and packed with the goods to keep your skin healthy. Plums help you keep your head level.
  11. You can see my fundraising efforts, and donate too, if you like, at MoBroFreund.
  12. BE GRATEFUL. Making a regular, conscious effort to be thankful has been shown to have positive psychological, physiological, and social benefits. Be thankful, and you’ll be healthy! If you need some help, or inspiration, look here! Or if you just want to read an article, go here!
  13. VOLUNTEER. It’s long been known that volunteering for a cause you believe in makes you feel good, but did you realize that it has an actual physiological effect? Volunteers suffer less depression, feel like their time is more abundant, and don’t get as stressed. Here’s an article for you and here’s a study, too! (my volunteer-activities of choice are in providing photography for the Boulevard Theatre, blood donations to the Blood Center of WI,  and weekly tutoring at Literacy Services of WI)
  14. DRINK, A LITTLE. Moderate drinking of alcohol is actually good for our bodies. Even the Mayo thinks so. Heck, even my Grandpa thinks so.
  15. VALIDATE someone. Tell someone that you appreciate them. Tell someone you love them. Like volunteering, this is an activity that benefits you both. They feel good, you feel good. You feel good, your body runs better.
  16. LISTEN TO MORE AL GREEN. Really, if you listen to more music by Al Green, there will be a measurable lifting of your spirit, a greater inclination to whisper sweet words in your lover’s ears, and to move your hips in a rhythmic fashion, regardless of where you are. These effects are ALL good for you r health. So, again, listen to more Al Green, particularly the “Live In Tokyo” album.
  17. READ SOME POETRY. This past year I spent some time reading a book of Rumi, a classic, ecstatic poet from the 13th century. Now, that might not be to everyone’s taste, but I did notice a few things from my reading of it. I saw things from a more sensuous viewpoint, I slowed down a bit and saw the world in more “loving” terms, I saw the “big picture” better. Like with any of these suggestions, make this work for you in a way that fits your tastes. (P.S. – also read “The Four Agreements” and “If The Buddha Married” –GOOD stuff)
  18. Eat at least ONE VEGETARIAN MEAL a day. The majority of us could easily eat more vegetables and fruit. These simple foods are good for us, tasty,  and full of nutrients and vitamins. We need to eat more “real food” – things that we take in just as they are – without additives, manufactured bits or artificial ingredients. Here’s an easy-to-use calculator to help you figure out how much fruit and veg you should be getting every day!