MORE Milwaukee Creativity: AIGA Studio Crawl

Brief post- -the protein is in the pics here.

-Last night was the AIGA-WI “Studio Crawl/Annual Meeting”, held in Milwaukee’s Third Ward. Cramer-KrasseltBlend Studios, and Hanson-Dodge were the hosts for the evening, showing off their impressive facilities!

-Amy Decker, 3-year president of AIGA, and to all apparent evidence, a really nice person, passed the presidential-baton to Dave Cheever.

-At Cramer-Krasselt, attendees learned about the branding efforts CK went through for the Milwaukee Public Museum. At Blend Studios, everyone was impressed with the variety of post-production work they do for a variety of clients. At Hanson Dodge, Ken Hanson gave a nice, informative presentation about the process HD went through in their extensive re-branding of Wilson Athletics, culminating in the “More Win” tagline. Everyone was very impressed!

-There were fun door-prizes, including “More Win” swag, Behance portfolios, C2 Classes (I won one!), and the BIG prize–a full copy of the Adobe Creative Suite!