Local Biz: Our Milwaukee Annual Meeting

Last night was the 2010 annual meeting our Our Milwaukee, the “buy local” trade group that I belong to. It was hosted by the Diablos Rojos Group, at their Cafe Hollander restaurant in the Wauwatosa village. All the member businesses of OM understand the importance that locally-owned/operated businesses play in the success of a city’s economy. As with every OM meeting I’ve attended, I had a lot of great conversations with a lot of great people. I got to talk with…
-Brian Waterman, attorney at Buelow-Vetter,
-Karen Jahnke of Triumvirate Consulting,
-Geralyn Flick of Murray Hill Pottery Works,
-Deneen Winchester-Ristow of Ink Designs/ThINK Apparel,
-Tiffany Becker of the Pabst Theater,
-Stephanie Bartz of Stephanie Bartz Photography,
-John Bleidorn of Bleidorn Tax & Investment,
-Jenna Kashou of Kangaroo Brands,
-Pam Mehnert of Outpost Natural Foods,
-Ramie Camerena of Alterra Coffee, and
-Todd Leech of Beans and Barley.
What was great and exciting about the meeting was the variety of businesses represented. There were accountants, artists, restaurant owners, clothing makers, clothing sellers, venue promoters and more. I’d encourage people to really make the Our Milwaukee website their first stop any time they need to go shopping–check the members directory and see if a local business can fill your need!