Photo-Community: ASMP “Cocktails and Critiques”

Had a real nice time last night, networking with other photographers and viewing a number of photographers’ “in-progress” projects at the ASMP-Chicago/Midwest “Cocktails and Critiques”. The event was held at the Hi-Hat Garage, off Brady St. and was moderated by A. Marie Phillips. The critiques were given by Larry D’Attillio, a well-experienced local photographer.

The presenting photographers were:
Nancy Aycock, Laci Coppins, Colin Lyons, Paul Berg, Tiffany Devereux, and Mike Miller

Organizations like ASMP (the American Society of Media Photographers), EP (Editorial Photographers), APA (Advertising Photographers of America), PPA (Professional Photographers of America), and SEWPPA (South-Eastern Wisconsin Professional Photgraphers Association) all serve a very valuable role in the photo-industry. Besides serving as a sort of “vouching authority” for consumers – helping them to place trust in member businesses – these trade groups also help all the member photographers to be better businesses, which in the end is beneficial to consumers as well.

These trade groups engage in lots of outreach efforts, like “Cocktails and Critiques”, but also in the form of business and technique education sessions. Most of these groups also serve the end-consumer by hosting databases on their websites, where if you need a particular sort of photographer, you can likely easily find one through a simple or specific search! When clients are considering hiring a photographer, it’s important to know whether or not the under-consideration-photographers are part of trade groups. Most photographers who belong to groups like EP, APA, and ASMP are interested in being the best photographers they can through a continuing education in their craft, something assisted by the trade groups.