Health in the workplace, the independently-employed, and Twitter

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of corporate health initiatives. That is, the efforts that larger businesses make to ensure that their employees lead healthy lives – leading to greater productivity, lower insurance costs, happier employees, and decreased overall medical expenses. I’ve been thinking about the importance of encouragement, support, and a network of like-minds in the maintenance of healthy routines.

It seems to me that it might be a bit easier for employees at larger, more structured businesses to formulate fitness initiatives and to get the momentum to keep those moving forward. This would be a unique challenge to people who are self-employed, who work, largely, by themselves and have little regular contact with other “employees.”

I enjoy connecting with other photographers, and find it especially easy through Twitter. So, in an effort to create a network of like-minded photographers, I’m beginning to tag my health/exercise-related tweets with #FitPhotog. I hope other photographers might take up this tag, and use it to see what other photographers are doing to keep healthy, to congratulate and encourage each other, and basically, to start a culture of health-awareness within our normally kinda isolated spheres.

So, photographers – let’s get healthy! Go #FitPhotog!