I want to be a hero.

Continued from the Troy Freund Photography May 2010 newsletter

The 6th graders and I talked about super-heroes. We discussed how you recognize heroes and what it is that heroes do, how we can recognize them through their costumes and through their actions. We then talked about how everyone can be heroes, particularly at school and in relation to each other. This is the point where my mental-gears got turning.
I can’t speak for everyone who reads this; I can only speak for myself and I know this: it’s often far far easier to think of myself and to not really think how small decisions could be made, on a regular basis, that would benefit not just me, but others as well. This classroom discussion I was engaged in made me think about heroics more and, yeah, how can I be a hero everyday?
I’m not going to let this lead into some discussion of the downfall of Western Society, the diminishing of common courtesy, the “good ol’ days”, and why so many people are pains in my derriere. I’d rather focus on the positive; I’d rather think about reminding you, and therefore reminding myself, that each and everyone of us MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Each of us, through our daily decisions, can be heroes and make the world a more pleasant place.
It is true, you make a difference. Every action, every decision adds to the world we live in. I firmly believe that the energy we “send out” to the universe has an effect on it. So, if I want to make a difference in this world, it has to happen one decision at a time. I encourage all of you too, to really think about all your actions and how they contribute to the world around us. While there is much that is sad and depressing in the world, there is also much that is inspiring and heart-lifting. It is not just presidents, world leaders, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates that define what our world is like. WE define our world. I want to make sure that what I bring to my house, community, city, state, country and world is the best possible.

I’ll be putting my values into action later this month. Troy Freund Photography will be in a booth at the Chicago Green Festival. Learn more about my photography and green interests at the ProFoto blog.

“I know of only one duty, and that is to love”-Albert Camus

“Create each day anew by clothing yourself with heaven and earth, bathing yourself with wisdom and love, and placing yourself in the heart of Mother Nature”-from “The Art of Peace” by Morihei Ueshiba

Here’s some examples of the heroes I keep around my office: St. Francis, Kevin Matchstick, Cyclops, Wolverine, G.I. Joe, Snake-Eyes, Spider Jerusalem.