An epic of one–Teecycle

Recently did another shoot for Teecycle (the clever .org that sells used t-shirts and donates some of the profit to the River Revitalization Foundation). I did an “epic” Teecycle shoot a few months ago–many models, many t-shirts, many photos. This time though, it was an “epic” of one–one model, twelve t-shirts, sixty minutes. The time flew by, but we got the photos we needed. I
f you’re interested in any of these shirts, contact Tim pronto, as they can go fast!

The model was one Ms. Dana, a very interesting woman studying at UW-M. She’s got a lot of goals and the energy to accomplish them; here she is in her own words: “my majors are Classics with a concentration of Latin, History, and Religious studies. I plan to someday be a professor of Egyptology and Roman History, I want to do field studies in the Mediterranean area, and I want to be a guest lecturer. This winter, I plan to volunteer at the museum for the Dead Sea Scrolls and I’m starting a campaign for the prevention of people buying products that contain palm oil, in order to prevent the extinction of orangatangs in the rainforest.”